Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Restoran Wakaf Thai Tom Yam

I've just realized that I haven't done any foodie reviews on the Ba Zhong area of Tawau. Now, the shops near the seaside area are lovely but I haven't gone to that part of town in a while now. Well, not until recently of course! So my partner brought me to this restaurant called Wakaf Thai Tom Yam (yes, it is because they specialized in Tom Yam related food) which we have frequented for a number of years. It's located at the end of Block D (I think), and you'll usually drive pass them if you wanted to go into the Ba Zhong area so no worries about not being able to find the place.

Now on with the food. I have somewhat of a 'beef' with the pricing of the food recently. See that delicious looking Ikan Masak Asam Pedas at the bottom? Well, for one thing, it is delicious. The fish is crisply fried first before being dumped into a non-spicy sauce (yes, despite the intended order of course). It might not be the freshest fish there is, but the taste is pretty good, I give them that. But My Goodness, the price took me aback a bit. This is not one of those big, 5-wok-in-the-kitchen restaurants but they still charged me a hefty sum for it (not going to disclose the price but believe me when I say, it's quite mind-blowing). Kinda turns me off to go there in the future. Oh and I also had their Singapore Fried Rice, which is tasty and I do love the mini chickens on my plate while my partner ate their Nasi Goreng Ayam Kunyit (the rice is just meh but the chicken chunks were pretty good, so my partner said) And I'm being fair here despite the pricing problem. There's limited pictures of food this time around (and slightly shorter review as well) not because of my semi-emotional rants (well, maybe a little) but because my partner decided to have a casual drink due to a late breakfast.

** Current status - Still in operation (as of November 2013)

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