Friday, August 29, 2014

Takada Food Stalls

If you thought that Tawau doesn't really have a nightlife (well, not that kind of nightlife) then think again! For those that are in the know, there're actually 3 major places for you to experience the night time feel of having stall-type food in Tawau (and yes, I'll be reviewing the other 2 places later). One such place is known to all as the Takada food stalls. Consist of a long row of food stalls (and even some miscellaneous things as well), the place is actually situated at a commercial area called Pertama Complex. But trust me when I say that the general Tawau public will not know the place by that name, as locals are more familiar with Takada (I honestly have no idea what Japanese sounding Takada signifies - maybe someone can clarify this for me?). It's also good to mention that it's very near to Promenade Hotel Tawau and Eastern Plaza and opens nightly.

Unfortunately my very ancient camera-phone couldn't rightly capture some of the food, as it was nighttime and on the outdoors (so hence the very limited pictures - my bad). We actually had several things to eat but I can only show you the Nasi Goreng Kampung and Nasi Goreng Lalap (with the Murtabak Jawa, burgers and satays not included in the pictures below). Overall all of the food were pretty satisfying and quite tasty as well. It might not be as cheap as it was before, but at least the tastes were still above average. My personal favourite was none other than the Murtabak Jawa (with Tawau still producing the best version of the latter - hands down).

** Current status - Still in operation (as of August 2014)

Updated on 20/03/2016 - We've been back a couple of times and there has been an increased of vendors within the premise (which means more food to explore!)

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