Monday, July 6, 2015

Bazaar Ramadhan (2015 Edition)

Yes people, it is that time of year again where people would enjoy a vast variety of food due to the Ramadhan fasting month. And in Tawau, there are 3 main bazaars for any self respected food lover to try out.

MPT Bazaar
~ located right in front of Majlis Perbandaran Tawau (MPT) main building & behind the Sabindo Plaza building
~ largest in terms of size & number of stalls
~ lots of well known Malay restaurants open their stalls here
~ more accessible than the other two bazaar (as in it’s in the middle of town)
~ probably has the most variety in terms of food and drinks
~ very crowded during peak hours due to the location

** Staple stalls includes Hj Taki Nasi Kukus, Pak Ali Nasi Kukus, Ayam Golek

 Fujimart Bazaar
~ located beside the Fujimart building (at their parking lot)
~ second largest in terms of size & number of stalls
~ firm favourite of the non-Malay patrons in Tawau
~ plenty of ‘Semenanjung’ sellers (hence a variety of West Malaysian foods are available here)
 ~ hard to find a parking spot within the area

** Staple stalls includes Cocos satays, Hj Tamrin’s Nasi Kuning, Yassin Curry House & Milah’s Nasi Bryani, Roti Baghdad, McF Chicken

MARA Bazaar
~ located right outside of the MARA building (beside the main bus terminal)
~ third largest in terms of size & number of stalls (smaller compared to the latter)
~ slightly cheaper food than the rest of the bazaar
~ fully covered with huge canopies so there are no worries of excessive heat
~ near to the bus terminal so an easy access for local patrons
~ does not have that many variety of food (has similar food in each stalls)

** Staple stalls includes Erin Erina Restaurant & Catering

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