Thursday, November 3, 2016

Kedai Kopi Hill Top

This particular eatery might be called Kedai Kopi Hill Top but it’s no where near the actual Hill Top area within Jalan Utara Tawau. The reason for that was due to their relocation after their original coffee shop (and yes, that one was formerly located at the Hill Top commercial area) had been burned down a few years back. Since they’re quite popular amongst Tawaurians (they have been around since I was little, no joke) it is a no brainer for them to reopen their coffee shop, in new and improved surroundings no less at the Unipark commercial area (just next to Taman Univilla). It is also good to note that they’re also in the same row as the in-famous Day Day Soto cafĂ©.

After that somewhat lengthy intro, let us now move on to the actual food okay? It was only very recently that me and my parents started to frequent the place again especially for breakfast after so many years. And I can assure you that the tastes of their food were somewhat retained throughout those years. My dad had their Nasi Kuning Ikan (he had always been a fan of their sweet and sourly sauce) while my mom ate their Mee Tauhu (my mom said that it tasted like how the Chinese used to make them – which meant thumbs up in my mom’s books). The Nasi Lemak Ayam that I had was tasteful as well. My only complaint though was probably the one-sauce-for-all concept that they seemed to be implementing (as the sauce for the Ayam Masak Merah on my dish tasted very similar to those of dad’s fish). I have also tasted their Roti Canai (unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures of them since I’d tapau them) and it was just okay but the curry was saporous in taste.

** Current status – Still in operation (as of November 2016)   

Updated on 14/11/2016 - I went to the place again with some colleagues and they'd ordered Nasi Goreng Seafood and Nasi Goreng Nanas, which looked almost identical and unfortunately tasted similar as well

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