Friday, September 15, 2017

Bumblebee Bakery

So now we’re back to our regular programming yes? Normally I wouldn’t do a review on a bakery (even though I do love baked goods and pastries to death) because for some reason I do not consider them as an eatery (get it?). But I do have to make an exception to this place since they also provide seating area and offers to-order drinks for their patrons (which is a rarity in Tawau… so far only the Multibake branches as well as the Kurtos Spiroll store has this facility). This relatively new bakery is located smack in the middle of the Gaya Commercial Centre (the commercial area beside Taman Gaya B). 

What’s interesting to me about this place was the classy looking décor that resembles that of a modern café. I initially thought that it was a new coffee-and-tea type of café but upon stepping into the vicinity, discover that it was actually a bakery with various types of sweet and savoury offerings. Obviously the owner had some moolah to spare eh? After ogling at their goodies for a while, I’ve decided to take away some Pandan Peanut Crepes, Choco Mexico Bun and Peanut Piang (the latter being one of my favourite munchies during my childhood years). All tasted above average but there’s still room for improvement. Among the drinks that are available includes the usual suspects; coffees, lattes, mochas, teas and ice blended drinks. I didn’t have a chance to try them out yet (since I was pressed for time) but I’ll probably be coming back to do so later so do stay tune folks. 

(Side note: Just discovered that the bakery might indeed be related to the Multibake franchise since their pastries & cakes looked identical, as well as the similarities in the name of the company that owned both bakeries)

** Current status – Still in operation (as of September 2017) 

(Updated on 04/10/2017 - Have stopped by recently for a quick bunch due to having business nearby. I had finally tried out their Chocolate Indulgence Cake, a Mini Pizza Bun as well as a cup of Hot Chocolate. The pastries were just so-so in taste but what disappointed me was their drink, as it was quite obvious that it was some sort of an instant chocolate drink only) 

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