Friday, April 5, 2019

Nunpat Dessert Cafe (KK FoodieVenture #102)

Okay so one of the things that I’m just dying to try out but never got the chance to (or the right time for that matter) was the bingsu. The ‘ais batu campur’ of Korea has gained a loyal following especially from the younger generation (most of them K-Poppers no doubt) and this non-teenager (sobbing ever so silently…) was intrigued. So when me and my partner ended up in the Oceanus Waterfront mall (they’re located on the ground floor, right next to Starbucks) one drizzling evening, I decided to finally give the popular hipster cafe a go. Mind you, I have no idea that people usually shared a bingsu (because of its large portioning) so me and my partner received amusing looks from the cashier & on-lookers when we confidently ordered the Chocolate bingsu each. Not only that, we got way over our heads and continued to order a Chicken Bulgogi Sandwich and a Chicken BBQ Rice dish soon after that. Their food was okay at best but their bingsu definitely has a special place in my heart now since I loved the just-right sweetness and smoother texture of the shaved ice. Also, I like the cosy feeling of the cafe; definitely a good place to hang out with your friends. 

** Sorry but this is the best angle that I can come out with on a rainy day

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