Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Pines Restaurant 2.0 (KK FoodieVenture #152)

It would be a waste on our part (since we have a vehicle and all) not to do some long-distance travelling and we ended up at Kundasang again after quite a few years. And being one of the most popular spots during holiday season, we were somewhat surprised when we discovered that the Kinabalu Pine Resort has available chalets for the night (most probably because of the current non-existing foreign tourists, or else this place was always fully booked). Nothing much to comment about the chalet that we were assigned to since it does not differ much from before (click HERE for my previous review) but we do noticed that the quality of their service seem to have improved especially those that manned the renovated restaurant (again, click HERE if you’re interested in seeing their previous state). Their in-house restaurant is now on the lower ground floor level of the reception area (which can be a hassle for any disabled customers – like this one guy with crutches when we were there). Free breakfast was still included but only in made-to-order sets (in accordance to the RMCO SOPs of course). They were a handful of choices but we finally went for their Nasi Lemak and American Breakfast sets. The dishes that we had were pretty good and filling but nothing too outstanding. And since we were there mainly for the breath-taking views of Mount Kinabalu (especially in the wee hours of the morning), nothing else matters of course.   

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