Saturday, May 7, 2022

Haji Zakarian Rahmat stall

And while I still have a bit of a time (and diligence left to finish this) here's an extra review on a gerai that I've been to way before fasting month even began. Tucked within the Kampung Jawa area (and not far from Taman Tulip) only people in the know will know (see what I did there?) that there's actually a small stall that mainly sells local soupy dishes that is surrounded by kampung houses. My husband was the one that had accidentally discovered the place and so when we both tried their food, we can see why people kept coming back to the stall. The food were your typical soupy dishes (the one that I had was their Sup Ayam while hubby dearest tried their Sup Tulang) and both were delicious (albeit a tiny bit salty). They also have Nasi Lalap and Nasi Ikan Baulu but that's about it. So if you aren't into those kind of dishes than I recommend you guys to go somewhere else. And no, they don't exactly have any official name for the stall, just a simple (and rather small and hidden) signage that says Haji Zakarian Rahmat at their front gates (most probably the resident's name I guess?).

**Current status - Still in operation (as of May 2022)

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