Thursday, April 25, 2024

Aixin Vegetarian (Sandakan FoodieVenture #7)

Wow I'm amazed that the last time I went to Sandakan was almost 10 years ago (yup, that includes my trip last year - where I lost all of my pics thanks to my problematic phone). Obviously a lot has changed since then including their food scene. I wanted to try something different for this trip so me and my hubby ended up at this Chinese vegetarian restaurant, located at Bandar Indah Jaya (they have their own building separated from the other commercial lots - visible upon main road entry). It's rare for me to see a banquet style restaurant that fully caters to vegetarian menu so we ordered their Kampung Sambal Fried Rice and Nasi Kerabu Crispy Mushroom and even though I liked mine (the latter), hubby dearest isn't a fan of his vegetarian dish. Not enough MSG he said (cue Uncle Roger). But he did loved their Pineapple Salted Mint juice instead so at least it wasn't a total lost for him. 

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