Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Cove Coffee

Assuming that this cafe is the rebranding of sorts to its predecessor at Kubota Sentral commercial area (since I've noticed the same crew still running the cafe as when they're previously known as Kobo Coffee), adding some heavier meals into their menu and a wider variety of pastries does the trick of attracting new customers (us included of course). We've tried their Creamy Butter Chicken rice and Spaghetti Bolognese with Fried Chicken and both were pretty tasty. But my personal fave has got to be their big Chocolate Tart as it was decadent and very chocolatey. It's a shame that I can't seem to find them anymore as of late as I have been buying them on regular basis. So here's to hoping that they will bring it back again in the future for fans such as moi

** Current status - Still in operation (as of May 2024) 

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