Sunday, May 19, 2024

Warung NS Family

Since I went to this stall sometime late last year, I'm too sure if they're still around now. But according to my hubby (who was the one that had  originally 'discovered' this stall) they seems to still be active on Tiktok (their main form of social media which I do not have but my hubby has so I'm just going to take his word for it) so I'm just going to go ahead with this post. 

The location of the stall might be a bit tricky since it isn't visible from the main road and you need to go further into the Kampung Sentosa, Hilltop area to actually find them (but we found them just fine with the help of multiple Tiktok posts from local patrons including this one - apparently they're really popular on said platform). And since this is only a small stall beside a house, seats were limited and so was their menu items. We tried their Set Talam Ikan Goreng, Gado-gado and Bakso Kulit Ayam and all were actually quite good but not that outstanding. You guys should give them a try at least to see whether or not you agree with me since I kid you not when I say that the amount of local social media promo that this stall had gotten were pretty mind blowing. 

** Current status - Still in operation (as of May 2024) 

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