Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Singgah Mata Asia City Food Stalls (KK FoodieVenture #100)

Since we were only in KK for 2 nights, we didn’t really have the time to do a lot of new food hunting. Plus my partner is a creature of habit hence the repeated visits to his favourite places (that I’ve reviewed in the past) and nothing else. Well, almost nothing anyways since we decided to have our dinner within the Asia City area by the time we check into our hotel. We have been here before but I’ve neglected to take any pictures so I try to make up for it this time around.

The long strip of vacant spaces in between buildings at Asia City (dubbed as the Singgah Mata passing) has been known to host some food stalls especially during the night. A cleaner place than say… the Filipino market, the most popular dish that is somewhat synonymous to the place is the Nasi Katok (a cousin of the Nasi Lalap). The Brunei originated rice dish is available on almost every stall within the area but unfortunately I do not have a picture of the latter as my partner and I were in the mood to eat something else that night (sorry folks!). We eventually ate Nasi Goreng Special from this one stall while ordering some grilled munchies and coconut water from other stalls nearby. We’ve also spotted some pretty good looking mangoes being sold but decided against buying them due to the above average pricing. But still, do come and explore the area by yourselves especially during the upcoming fasting month (where the area literary turns into a food mecca).  

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