Friday, August 28, 2020

Borenos Fried Chicken Asia City (KK FoodieVenture #142)

Now I do want to apologize beforehand because in my excitement (or simple because of hunger) to eat the food as soon as possible, I totally forgot to snap some pictures of our actual order. And yes, it was definitely my tummy’s fault for clouding my mind at said time (damn you tummy!). But I did take some photos around the Sabahan owned premise (which was located right behind our hotel at Asia City) so hopefully that will do for now. Then again, I did previously review their Centre Point branch so you guys can check that out as well. Overall, our take away orders (which were the 2 pieces Chicken Rice for my partner and some extra helping of Curly Fries and Criss-Cut Fries for me since I’m in the mood to munch on them) were as good as I’ve remembered them (or might be even better). Both of my fries based fast food were generous in portion and not too salty (which was nice for a change) but the latter was a tad too crispy (or burnt might be the right word) even for someone who claims to like greasy, crispy things like me. Service was also pretty prompt but a bit chaotic since there seems to be more customers than seating area (due to the RMCO SOP of course). 

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