First and foremost...

Thank you so much for visiting this humble blog of mine. I'll try to give you guys some good reviews on the local food & sceneries especially from my hometown (yay Tawau, Sabah) so please bear with me ok 😊

Oh and just so you guys know before proceeding...

a) I never travel abroad - so you won't be seeing any posts outside of our beloved country (yet!)

b) I take all of my pictures with my smartphone - so no professionally taken photos here as well (sad but true)

c) I dined using my own moolah - so my comments are somewhat unbias (for now)

d) I have this ongoing problem with my internet at home so I can only go online at work (the 'perks' of living at the bottom of a hill)- so I'm sorry beforehand for any comments that cannot be reply timely (my bad)

e) I don't mind if you guys wanted to use any of my pictures - just as long as you credit this blog as well ok 👍

Also due to my own carelessness, I've accidentally deleted most of the photos that I've uploaded to Google Album Archive a few years back. Thankfully I found a way to recover most of them (but not all I'm afraid) albeit in a much lower resolution & quality. So if you're viewing my past posts and there seems to be missing photos from them, I do apologized beforehand for that. I'll try to update them with newer photos should I drop by said places again in the future. So sorry folks... 😢😢😢

So here goes nothing...

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Umami Garden

Me and hubby dearest frequented this place (located at Jalan Sungai Tanjong, right in front of a badminton & futsal court) but it only occurred to me just recently that I have not reviewed them yet. Yup, sometimes you can be that absent-minded.. And it was a shame as well since there were some pretty good stalls that had already closed down. 

Going back a few years ago, the eatery was originally a steamboat restaurant before it converted into a regular Chinese restaurant and now a food court with a regular  restaurant and several outsourced stalls. And it does help that they'd also fully renovated the place into the modern, lovely hangout place that it is now. Most recently there's an authentic Indonesian food stall that had opened which we had tried out and was delicious. But we'd also previously tried a bunch of other food such as fried rice, satays, grilled chickens, grilled beef skewers, ramens and so on. And if none of the stalls piqued your interest then you can also order regular restaurant food via the sole drinking station (since the owner of the eatery also owns both the drinks and main restaurant). A great hangout place for large groups of people too since the restaurant is huge. 

** Current status - Still in operation (as of August 2024) 

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Thai Spoon Kitchen & Cafe

Another one for the road eh? Well to be honest, I'm always intrigued by Thai cuisine (even though my stomach begs to differ as of late) so when I heard about this new place opening at the far end of Kuhara Industrial area, Jalan Air Panas, we decided to give them a visit. We were there for an early lunch so we'd ordered their Nasi Goreng Kari Thai Ayam, Ketam Tumis Lada Hitam and Sundae Nutella Ferrero Toast and all were pretty good. It would have been better if the crab was fresh but the dishes were still acceptable but not that outstanding. And I would advice you guys to avoid ordering the Ais Asam Ais as it tasted weird and visually err.. 'disturbing' to say the least.

** Current status - Still in operation (as of August 2024) 

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Hj Ismail Mee Tauhu

It has been awhile since I last had my fill of mee tauhu. The last time I had the staple Tawau breakfast was sometime last year (no joke) so me and husband dearest decided that it was finally time that we satisfied our cravings. Located right in front of Tawau's Fire & Rescue Station at Jalan Kelapa (the last row of shops near to Hotel Emas), we arrived in the afternoon (it was during the weekend so we both had woken up late) so the place was almost empty. But thankfully they were still open and their Mee Tauhu Extra was also still available at said time. We had a set each and although the portion was huge, it was so oily that I had my doubts of even eating it. But I was famished so I eventually gave it a go and it was alright in terms of taste. Not too sure why my sister in law was raving about it but it was still an  acceptable overall. 

** Current status - Still in operation (as of August 2024) 

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