First and foremost...

Thank you so much for visiting this humble blog of mine. I'll try to give you guys some good reviews on the local food & sceneries especially from my hometown (yay Tawau, Sabah) so please bear with me ok 😊

Oh and just so you guys know before proceeding...

a) I never travel abroad - so you won't be seeing any posts outside of our beloved country (yet!)

b) I take all of my pictures with my smartphone - so no professionally taken photos here as well (sad but true)

c) I dined using my own moolah - so my comments are somewhat unbias (for now)

d) I have this ongoing problem with my internet at home so I can only go online at work (the 'perks' of living at the bottom of a hill)- so I'm sorry beforehand for any comments that cannot be reply timely (my bad)

e) I don't mind if you guys wanted to use any of my pictures - just as long as you credit this blog as well ok 👍

Also due to my own carelessness, I've accidentally deleted most of the photos that I've uploaded to Google Album Archive a few years back. Thankfully I found a way to recover most of them (but not all I'm afraid) albeit in a much lower resolution & quality. So if you're viewing my past posts and there seems to be missing photos from them, I do apologized beforehand for that. I'll try to update them with newer photos should I drop by said places again in the future. So sorry folks... 😢😢😢

So here goes nothing...

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Flight Club KKIA (KK FoodieVenture #222)

Let's face it, there aren't that many choices of food when it comes to the Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA) but they're getting there. Their recent edition includes this Plaza Premium Lounge franchise namely the Flight Club, the first one to be opened in East Malaysia. We had some time to kill during our most recent trip back to Tawau so we decided to give them a go. The seating area felt very premium (duh!) and secluded from others which was nice for privacy. Their menu were also quite simple so we tried their Roti Canai with Chicken Curry and All Day Breakfast and both were commendable but nothing noteworthy. But we'll definitely be back in the future should we wanted some time to ourselves as the lounge like area was indeed very relaxing. 

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1863 Patisserie & Cafe (KK FoodieVenture #221)

My hubby's (small) birthday celebration in KK doesn't stop with our brief visit to Precious Bake, as we went for some afternoon tea at this place within the same area at Lintas Square (this time at the last row of the commercial area) and ordered ourselves some slices of cakes (namely Chocolate Crepe, Classic Chocolate and Burnt Cheese) as well as their Cocktail Chicken Sausages. And even though the cakes might not looked like it, there were some of the tastiest cakes that I've tried out. Not being biased at all (you'll understand why I mentioned this later) but their cakes were not overly sweet and very decadent. Plus we were really grateful to the cafe's owners for gifting my hubby with a free vanilla ice cream once they found out about his birthday. Such a memorable day indeed. 

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Precious Bake (KK FoodieVenture #220)

It was coincidentally my hubby's birthday when were in KK this time around and since he is no longer impressed by Baskin Robbins's ice cream cakes (since he had a somewhat bad experience with them a few years back) I decided to get him this locally viraled and newly opened specialty cheesecake shop (located at Lintas Square, on the same row as Maybank). As you can see from their menu below, they mainly baked mini cheesecakes with your choice of toppings. I chose their Biscoff, Chocolate and Chunky Peanut butter for mine and they were all lovely. The cheesecakes themselves were quite strongly tastes (in terms of cheese) but thankfully it did not overwhelmed the toppings so my hubby still loved them (and was pleasantly surprised by the idea of mini cheesecakes as birthday cakes). 

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