Yup, my hubby's personal fave franchise has finally made its way to Tawau (on the front row of T2 @ Apas commercial area specifically) and he's pretty happy about it. From what I've heard, the owner originally opened the store in Kuching but has to moved to Tawau and so their bringing along the store with them (I never thought that you could actually do that 😅). We decided to try them out a few days ago and so far so good. Most of their menu items were in stock (thankfully) so we decided to try their Nasi Daging Masak Lemak Cili Padi, Nasi Asam Pedas Ikan Tenggiri and Red Velvet Muffin, together with some Strawberry Smoothies and Double Chocolate Chip Ice Blend. All were pretty much on par with their KK counterparts but the ice blended drink was a bit of a let down for me (tasted just so-so). Nevertheless this will be a good hangout spot for Tawaurians in the future.
** Current status - Still in operation (as of Feb 2025)
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