
Formerly known as Authentic Cafe, this particular eatery had (for some reason) changed its name the moment they moved to a new location (they are now within the ever evolving Kubota Sentral commercial area, on the same row as Magic Station). It may be for a fresh start or simply because they wanted to highlight their new signature dishes; the rumoured-to-be next level spicy Nasi Ayam Geprek and Nasi Ayam Geprok (hence the name… I guess). People that had tried out said dishes did commented that the spice level were indeed above average (but does not reach the ‘killer’ level yet) so I never attempted them myself (due to personal health reasons). So when me and my partner went there several times (mostly during pre-MCO times – which also explains the slightly ‘outdated’ pictures below) we decided to try their other food that includes their regular Nasi Ayam Penyet, Fried Mee Hoon and Nasi Payau Blackpepper. All of the dishes were pretty good but nothing too outstanding I’m afraid. Admittedly, they were usually our second (or in some cases third) choice for food since our initial choices were either had closed for the day or had ran out of food (no joke y’all… oddly enough that happen to us a few times when we dine in that particular area).

** Current status – Still in operation (as of August 2020) 

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